You can access this free galactIQ episode any time and start playing in your class right away! If you don't have micro:bit boards, don't worry, you can use the simulator.
Take a look at the galactIQ episode beforehand to understand what you are going to do during the lesson. You don't need any prior experience with coding at all (as with all our curriculum). GalactIQ is a plug and play educational system.
Are you ready? Click on the "START THE LESSON" button above and start learning!
🦊 No previous knowledge needed! Your teacher is super well-prepared already.
⚡️ You'll need a computer or tablet. You don't need to use an email address to use
🕹 If you have micro:bits in class... great! But if you don't, don't worry as you can use micro:bit simulator on
⏱ About 45 minutes is all the time you will need for your class to complete this episode.
📺 The best is to share your screen on the smartboard in your class, but you can also work with a computer screen.
Hey teacher, download and print this document. It contains the complete programming code for MakeCode. It includes notes so that you can understand the most important blocks in the program.
This lesson needs 5 to 10 minutes of preparation.
Your students will create a digital and interactive adaptation of the traditional game of paper-scissors-rocks in the upcoming demo-episode. This engaging lesson is tailored for teachers and students between the ages of 7 and 13.
You will begin by exploring the micro:bit board and some of its input and output features. Moreover, you will gain knowledge of various programming concepts, such as variables and if/then statements, to design an extraordinary electronic game.
Access the galactIQ lesson by clicking the button above and following the user-friendly instructions with your students. It's a fun and straightforward process!